What is Wander Base?

Wander Base is a foundation for building successful and inspiring lives for young women that want to win at life by loving who they are. Wander Base offers a 7-week online self-development program to help girls get started on the path to becoming powerful, independent women.

Become Who You’ve Always Wanted To Be

A lot of young women get stuck feeling unhappy, thinking they’re not good enough compared to others. Some feel awkward and as if they don’t belong. Others want to become the greatest version of themselves…but most don’t even know how or where to start. 

7 Steps to Overcome Fear and Win At Life can help you experience the excitement and self-love that you want!

The Single Most Important Skill You Need To Be Happy...

Confidence in school and life is determined by a combination of skills that involve having a certain mindset, self-awareness and decision-making abilities. Some people develop this combination through their personal experiences, often as a result of challenging events. These people learn that they have the power to decide how they perceive and live their life.

Most people are unaware of this choice.

Imagine if there was a way to master these skills early in your life. How might this enhance the path of navigating money, health, career or relationships for your future?

Ultimately, everyone wants less stress and to have the freedom to do what they love in life…and they can. They just need greater self-awareness and the belief to take action.

7 Steps to Overcome Fear and Win At Life

A Transformative 7-Week Program To Build Confidence For Young Women

7 Steps To Overcome Fear and Win At Life

Discover a set of essential skills to become the happiest and healthiest version of yourself with this fun and inspiring 7-week transformative online program which you can complete in your own time and in the comfort of your own space.

How the program works

Once you sign up for 7 Steps To Overcome Fear and Win At Life you will create a username and password and be given instant access to the course. Access to this course is available for 6 months after the date of purchase.

7 Steps to Overcome Fear and Win At life is available for AUD$49.99 for a limited time (valued at AUD$1,500)

Each weekly session with 7 Steps to Overcome Fear and Win At Life is interactive with invaluable video content and actionable steps for building self-confidence presented by your Wander Base founder, Fiona Lam. Exercises specifically designed to help you master your new skills are included with every step so you can instantly start winning in real life!

Summary of What You Will Learn

Summary of What You Will Learn

The Program Outline

  • What your happiness is

  • Becoming honest with yourself

  • Letting go of excuses that are holding you back

  • Accepting who you are now to become who you would like to be

  • Understanding specific blocks that prevent you from being your true self

  • How to be less critical of yourself

  • Habits for releasing fears and self-doubt

  • Effective strategies for moving forward from procrastination

  • The art of being kind to yourself

  • How to show your self that you are worthy

  • Awareness of your two different minds

  • Being accountable for what steers your thoughts and behaviour

  • Training on how to use your internal guide to your advantage

  • How your emotions affect your relationships, body image and school

  • Responding to fear with courage and making the best choice every time

  • Qualities the most beautiful people have in common

  • How to be a high-value woman

  • Aligning your sense of style with who you are

  • Upgrading body language and communication skills

  • Perceiving your flaws as perfect imperfections

  • Choosing the right people to be part of your social network

  • Keeping your space ready for success with ease

  • Using social media for positivity

  • Creating stronger and more harmonious relationships

  • How to stop comparing yourself to others

  • How to have the freedom to choose at any given moment

  • Feeling in control even when things seem out of control

  • Simplifying your life through the practice of choosing

  • Making decisions with certainty

  • Overcoming the fear of failure

  • Designing and owning the life you want to live

  • Effective ways to set big achievable goals

  • Planning clear, actionable steps to get what you want

  • Maximising your individual gifts

  • Exploring career options that are aligned with your personality and strengths

Wander Women

What women have to say about the program

Meet Your Mentor

Fiona Lam

Founder of Wander Base

“Extroverted”…”Mentally resilient”…”A force to be reckoned with”…these are some of the terms that people have used to describe me on several occasions.

If you knew me as a child, you would be convinced that they were talking about a completely different person! My mum was always encouraging me to be more outgoing because she was worried about how timid I was as a kid, but the concern that dominated my teenage years was the lack of motivation to reach my potential.

Up until about 8 years ago, I was a professional procrastinator and surrendered to the mentality of “just getting by”. I simply believed that I was “lazy” and limited myself when it came to thriving in my health, money, and relationships.

This new level of consciousness together with self-development work, life lessons and professional experience as a naturopath and Neuro-Emotional Technique practitioner changed my belief system about myself.

It changed my entire life.

Resetting my mind changed my approach to everything. It helped me create more loving relationships, success in business, happiness in life, and it gave me self-confidence that I didn’t know was even possible!

I can imagine how different my teenage years could have been had I learned these skills earlier, which is why I’ve made it my mission to share this knowledge with young women willing to discover their greatness… Whether that time is now or later in life, I wish you all the love for exploring what you have to offer.

To your health and happiness,

Fiona Lam x


Because we believe that self-confidence is the most important life skill to have to be happy with their self, health, study, relationships, career and future. Which is also the reason why we believe that investing in self-development is one of the most important choices to make.

Absolutely! Even though the program is intended for young women, the principles on how to build self-confidence speaks to everyone. There is a lot to gain in understanding yourself and utilising the key skills to be empowered. Young woman or not, everyone yearns for the freedom to be themselves and to be able to do what they love. 

The sessions are 1-hour long and run on a weekly basis for a total of 7 weeks. Time for learning, sharing and applying what they have learnt in exercises are included within the hour.

Upon your purchase, you will be prompted to create an account, including username and password. From there, simply visit thinkific.com and login. Your video progress and your work will be saved automatically, and the each upcoming session will be become available weekly. 

Once you have signed up each step of the program will be unlocked weekly. Access will be available for 6-months after purchase so you can return at anytime during this period to complete the course.

Once you have signed up, access to the program will be available for 6-months so you can return at any time during this period to complete the course. Access to the program will expire 6 months after the purchase date.

Yes, you will both need to sign up for an account separately.

No. The program focuses solely on providing practical strategies for reducing stress and building self-confidence.

The program was designed by Fiona Lam, founder of Wander Base and a healthcare professional with 13 years of clinical experience in anxiety and depression. Key principles for improving self-worth and the ability to achieve goals originated from a combination of professional and personal experience complied into 7 steps.

These are pre-recorded sessions that allows you can engage at your own pace without access to live broadcasts. However, we welcome you to share your thoughts and questions on the feedback questionnaire at the end of your course. You may even see your question answered in a future newsletter!

Common feedback we receive from women that have completed the program include; feeling calmer and in control, self-acceptance, motivation to continue improving themselves, and being happier with themselves There is also a heightened sense of self-awareness and feeling empowered that they are always in the position to make the best choice for themselves.

Friends or family members of women that have completed the program notice their new-found confidence. They also tend to comment on how they seem happier, are more willing to overcome their shyness, are taking up more opportunities, and are becoming more organised and accountable for their own actions.

The great thing about the program is that you can refer back to your written exercise answers anytime you need step-by-step guidance on how to approach any situation.

Access to the course videos is available for 6-months after you sign up.

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